Celebrate Presidents Day With Your Kids

Presidents Day can mean more than just a three-day weekend with your kids. There's an opportunity for you to turn this important holiday into an enriching learning experience with fun presidential activities. Here are a few easy and fun things you can do to celebrate Presidents Day with your children. 

  • Research the meaning of Presidents Day 
    The article “Presidents Day 2022” on History.com is a great starting point to learn the basic facts about presidents day. From there, more information on their favorite presidents or presidential topics is only a Google or Wikipedia search away.

  • Write A Letter To The President
    Ask your kids, "What do you think about the president and our country?" Then have them write a letter expressing those views and send them to the White House (whitehouse.gov)

  • Make a Cherry Pie
    What better way to celebrate President Washington than with a delicious cherry pie? Not into pies? How about a cherry milkshake or a simple bowl of cherries.

Source: www.makeitgrateful.com

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