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Slow-Cooker Chicken Tacos
Taco night just got a lot easier and cooler with the help of your trusty slow cooker! This recipe for slow-cooker chicken tacos allows the meat to absorb the flavor of the other ingredients including your own special spice blend. You can also adjust the heat level by adding...
Better Left To The Professionals
Even if you're someone who cleans your home daily, some jobs require the skills and tools of an expert. So whether it requires tall ladders, inspecting ductwork, or just needing a deep cleaning with a high-powered carpet cleaner, here are three cleaning jobs left to the professionals...
Five Tips for Improving Your Social Media Presence
Staying on top of your social media presence doesn't have to be a heavy lift, whether you're a newbie to the industry or a real estate pro. Here are five core tips for success when building or rebuilding your social media presence: 1. Determine the Goal. Decide your content creation goal. Do...
4 Easy Ways To Save On Back-To-School Shopping
According to the National Retail Federation, families spend an average of $864 on back-to-school supplies this year. If your eyes grew wide at that number, you are not alone. So before shopping for your or your family's supplies, check out these simple ways to help you save this year...
Our Latest Affordable Housing Solutions
With home affordability at its lowest point since 2007, finding solutions for a down payment is as important as ever. The latest updates to our Platinum Program help homebuyers with up to 5.5% in down payment assistance with gift options that require no repayment. Up to 5.5% in total...
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